Put into Practice:
This week the practice is to spend an extended amount of time praying. (Matthew 26:36-46)
Goal: The purpose is to develop a habit of praying relentlessly for something that needs to change.
Practical: Stretch yourself. If you typically pray for 5 minutes, pray for 10 minutes. If you're used to an hour in prayer, try 2 hours. Focus on one specific item as you pray.
Tips: Feel free to repeat yourself as you pray. Jesus did the same in the Garden of Gethsemane. Choose something that you deeply desire to pray about.
With a friend:
What from the lesson stuck out to you?
How did it feel to spend an extended time praying about one thing?
What prayers have you given up on? What needs to change to develop perseverance in your prayer life?
Read James 4
Do you trust that God wants to answer your prayers?
Where do you need to change to realign your desires?
Are you willing to listen to God's plan?
Spend 30 minutes praying together
Choose a mutual goal.
Split the time, and spend the entire time praying for your mutual goal.
Family Group:
What obstacles can shut down your motivation to keep praying for something?
When we lose our motivation, it's hard to persevere.
Perseverance requires an intense, continual desire for something.
Read James 4:1-4
If you don't persistently go to God, he can't bless you.
What is God waiting for you to ask of him?
You shouldn't settle with asking once. Ask again, and again, and again.
What can you do this week to add more perseverance to your prayers?
Close out in prayer​